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Hottest News Roman Dávid a jeho Think-Tank CZECH & SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB otvárajú ďalšie EURÓPSKE CENTRUM PRE PRÍJEM INDICKÝCH PAKETOV / paket SUN DIRECT HD India: Measat 3 na 91.5°E a juho-ázijský diagram_12 603 H analýza spektra a definovanie podmienok príjmu Roman Dávid. 05/31/2010 - 15:28
Sat List Update Mr. Roman Dávid and his CZECH & SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB-Think Tank opens further EUROPEAN CENTER OF INDIAN PACKETS RECEPTION / SUN Direct SD India: Insat 4B at 93.5°E-Indian footprint _ spectral analysis and define the conditions for receiving Roman Dávid. 05/31/2010 - 15:18
Sat List Update Mr. Roman Dávid and his CZECH & SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB-Think Tank opens further EUROPEAN CENTER OF INDIAN PACKETS RECEPTION / SUN Direct HD India: Measat 3 at 91.5°E-Sout Asian footprint_12 603 H spectral analysis and define the conditions for receiving Roman Dávid. 05/31/2010 - 15:09
Hottest News 30.5.2010- SAT DX Fórum -A.Simao-Macao Čína-družica Express AM33 na 96.5°E a polohovatelný diagram pásma C:3 675 R/RSCC & 3 808 R/TRK Sever-detailná analýza ruských prenosov s anténou Vertex RSI 900 cm a s technikou Tandberg TT 1260+Rohde & Schwarz ETL Roman Dávid. 05/30/2010 - 09:54
Sat List Update 30.5.2010-SAT DX Forum-A.Simao Macau-Express AM33 at 96.5°E-Steerable footprint in C band :3 675 R/RSCC & 3 808 R/TRK Sever-detailed analysis of the spectrum and quality of russian broadcasts with an antenna Vertex RSI 9.0 m and receivers Tandberg TT 1260 Roman Dávid. 05/30/2010 - 09:46
DX Forum Mr. Alberto Simao-Macau S.A.R_ Express AM33 at 96.5°E-Steerable footprint in C band : 3 675 R/RSCC & 3 808 R/TRK Sever-detailed analysis of the spectrum and quality of russian broadcasts with an antenna Vertex RSI 9.0 m and receivers Tandberg TT 1260 ... Roman Dávid. 05/30/2010 - 09:36
Hottest News 28.5.2010-SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao_Macao Čína a globálny diagram satelitu Intelsat 10 na 68.5°E v C pásme : 3 808 V RR Sat Global & 4 034 V DD Doordarshan a akostné výstupy z PF Vertex 9.0m s LNB Norsat PLL s technikou od Rohde & Schwarz v južnej Ázii Roman Dávid. 05/28/2010 - 12:01
Sat List Update 28.5.2010-SAT DX Forum-A.Simao-Macau S.A.R_ Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E-Global footprint: 3 808 V RRSat Global & 4 034 V DD Doordarshan India_current status of quality derived from the antenna diameter 900 cm in South Asia with equipment Rohde & Schwarz Roman Dávid. 05/28/2010 - 11:52
DX Forum Mr. Alberto Simao-Macau S.A.R_ Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E-Global footprint in C band : 3 808 V RRSat Global & 4 034 V DD Doordarshan India_current status of quality derived from the antenna diameter 900 cm in South Asia with equipment Rohde & Schwarz Roman Dávid. 05/28/2010 - 11:44
Page Banner kúpa paraboly Roman Dávid. 05/27/2010 - 15:39
Hottest News 26.5.2010-SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao_Macao S.A.R Čína_družica Insat 2E na 83.0°E a ázijská stopa v C pásme : 3 550 V-TV9 Telegu India - ziskové výsledky a analýzy spektra s anténou Vertex 9.0m typu Cassegrain a analyzátormi Rohde & Schwarz ETL+Promax Prolink 4C Roman Dávid. 05/26/2010 - 14:52
Sat List Update 26.5.2010-SAT DX Forum - A. Simao-Macau_ Insat 2E at 83.0°E-Asian footprint: 3 550 V-TV9 Telegu India actual measurement results in the Asian footprint of the Insat 2E with Vertex RSI 9.0m antenna + spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT Roman Dávid. 05/26/2010 - 14:44
DX Forum Mr. Alberto Simao-Macau S.A.R_ Insat 2E at 83.0°E-Asian footprint in C band : 3 550 V - TV9 Telegu India actual measurement results in the Asian footprint of the Insat 2E with Vertex RSI 9.0m antenna + spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT Roman Dávid. 05/26/2010 - 14:39
Hottest News 25.5.2010 - SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao-Macao S.A.R Čína-ázijská stopa družice Insat 2E na 83.0°E v C pásme : 3 581 V - TV9 Kannada India a ideálny akostný stav (bBER<1.0E-6) nameraný s anténou Vertex 900 cm v zóne Beam Peak v južnej Ázii +++ Roman Dávid. 05/25/2010 - 15:02
Sat List Update 25.5.2010-A.Simao-Macau S.A.R_ Insat 2E at 83.0°E-Asian C footprint : 3 581 V - TV9 Kannada India and ideal status of quality (bBER<1.0E-6) in South Asia with Vertex RSI 9.0m antenna + spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT 1260 Roman Dávid. 05/25/2010 - 14:51
DX Forum Mr. Alberto Simao-Macau S.A.R_ Insat 2E at 83.0°E-Asian footprint in C band : 3 581 V - TV9 Kannada India and ideal status of quality (bBER<1.0E-6) in South Asia with Vertex RSI 9.0m antenna + spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT 1260 Roman Dávid. 05/25/2010 - 14:32
Hottest News 20.5.2010 - PREMIÉRA č.3-SAT DX Fórum_A.Simao-Macao S.A.R Čína - družica Chinasat 9 na 92.2°E : prezentáciu receivera COSHIP N6188 pre normu ABS-S a hexagonálnej antény POCO 30 cm som doplnil o 30 video ukážok z čínskeho vysielania v norme ABS-S Roman Dávid. 05/21/2010 - 12:44
Sat List Update 21.5.2010-PREMIERE part 3-SAT DX Forum_A. Simao - Macau_Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E: COSHIP N6188-receiver for the standard ABS-S + hexagonal antenna POCO 30 cm >>>I added the presentation of more than 25 video previews of the Chinese channels in standard ABS-S Roman Dávid. 05/21/2010 - 12:32
Hottest News 20.5.2010 - PREMIÉRA č.2-SAT DX Fórum_A.Simao-Macao S.A.R Čína - družica Chinasat 9 na 92.2°E : prezentácia receivera COSHIP N6188 pre normu ABS-S a hexagonálnej antény POCO 30 cm bola doplnená o fotogalériu čínskych tv kanálov v norme ABS-S/QPSK Roman Dávid. 05/20/2010 - 13:07
Sat List Update 20.5.2010 - PREMIERE part 2-SAT DX Forum_A. Simao - Macau S.A.R_Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E: COSHIP N6188-receiver for the standard ABS-S + hexagonal antenna POCO 30 cm >>> I added the presentation of snapshots of the Chinese TV channels in standard ABS-S/QPSK Roman Dávid. 05/20/2010 - 12:59
Hottest News 19.5.2010-PREMIÉRA-SAT DX Fórum_A.Simao-Macao S.A.R Čína - družica Chinasat 9 na 92.2°E : Predstavenie čínskym telekomunikačným úradom schváleného receivera značky COSHIP N6188 pre štandard prenosu ABS-S a hexagonálnej antény POCO s rozmerom 30 cm +++ Roman Dávid. 05/19/2010 - 13:49
Sat List Update 19.5.2010-PREMIERE-SAT DX Forum_A. Simao - Macau S.A.R_Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E: Presentation of the approved (Telecomunication China Authority) Coship N6188 receiver for ABS-S standard with blue label & small hexagonal antenna POCO with a diameter of 30 cm Roman Dávid. 05/19/2010 - 13:19
DX Forum Mr. Alberto Simao - Macau S.A.R_Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E-Asian footprint : Presentation of the approved (Telecomunication China Authority) Coship N6188 receiver for ABS-S standard with blue label & small hexagonal antenna POCO with a diameter of 30 cm Roman Dávid. 05/19/2010 - 13:09
Hottest News 18.5.2010 - SAT DX - Indický satelit Insat 4A na 83.0°E a sumarizácia zaznamenaných výsledkov meraní a analýz paketu TATA Sky v centrálnej európskej zóne príjmu od autora Think Tank-u Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club ++ Roman Dávid. 05/18/2010 - 13:06
Sat List Update 18.5.2010 - SAT DX - Insat 4A at 83.0°E - footprint in KU band and summarizing the results of measurements and analysis on the Indian packet TATA Sky of the research center Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think Tank +++ Roman Dávid. 05/18/2010 - 12:58