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Sat List Update 30.7.2010-SAT DX PREMIERE-Measat 3 at 91.5°E_global footprint in C band & the following topics: RTM Malaysia-new qualitative peak MER=9.4 dB,new spectral analysis of the TP 5C,first results of measurements on the feeds C/RTM Sabbah TV at f=3 865 V ... Roman Dávid. 07/30/2010 - 12:23
Hottest News 29.7.2010-SAT DX Fórum/A.Simao-Macao-Čína_NSS 6 na 95.0°E a severovýchdná stopa Ázie v KU pásme: 12 729 H Provajder ONSE Telecom Južná Kórea a predstavenie offsetovej antény Jonsa C/KU 120x132 cm s PLL LNB Norsat 1509 HB s LOF stabilitou +/- 5 kHz .... Roman Dávid. 07/29/2010 - 14:59
Sat List Update 29.7.2010-SAT DX FORUM_A. Simao-Macau_NSS 6 at 95.0°E-footprint NorthEast Asia : 12 729 H Onse Network South Korea and presentation of the new offset antenna Jonsa 120x132 cm with LNB Norsat PLL 1509 HB & results of measurements with the Rohde&Schwarz ETL Roman Dávid. 07/29/2010 - 14:49
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-NSS 6 at 95.0°E-footprint NorthEast Asia : 12 729 H Onse Network South Korea and presentation of the new offset antenna Jonsa 120x132 cm with LNB Norsat PLL 1509 HB & results of measurements with the analyzer Rohde&Schwarz ETL Roman Dávid. 07/29/2010 - 14:32
Hottest News 27.7.2010_PREMIÉRA-Družice Insat 3A/4B na 93.5°E a prvé merania po technickej anomálii na satelite 4B+tieto témy: funkcia analýzy spektra -PEAK MEMORY- v SAT DX praxi+QPSK konštelačné diagramy , nová akostná špička na pakete SUN Network pri MER=17.4 dB Roman Dávid. 07/27/2010 - 12:32
Sat List Update 27.7.2010_PREMIERE-Insat 3A/4B at 93.5°E & first measurements after the failure of the satellite 4B+next topics: spectrum function -PEAK MEMORY- in SAT DX practice + QPSK constellation diagrams , new qualitative peak at the SUN Network India MER=17.4 dB.. Roman Dávid. 07/27/2010 - 12:20
Hottest News 26.7.2010 - A NEW CHANNEL FEEDS in MPEG-4 compression from the satellite Insat 3A at 93.5°E-C band : feeds_ 3 915 V MPEG-4 Delhi_4 - SR=1 600 KS/sec - DVB-S/MPEG-4 ... Roman Dávid. 07/26/2010 - 14:07
Feeds Insat 3A at 93.5°E - 3A wide footprint in C band : feeds_ 3 915 V MPEG-4 Delhi_4 - SR=1 600 KS/sec - DVB-S/MPEG-4 Roman Dávid. 07/26/2010 - 14:06
Hottest News 26.7.2010 - A NEW CHANNEL FEEDS in category SAT DX from the satellite Insat 4B at 93.5°E-C band : 3 860 H 9 MHz PAL / DVB-S_MPEG-2 ... Roman Dávid. 07/26/2010 - 13:59
Feeds Insat 4B at 93.5°E - 4B wide footprint in C band : sat dx feeds_ 3 860 H 9 MHz PAL / DVB-S_MPEG-2 Roman Dávid. 07/26/2010 - 13:58
Hottest News 26.7.2010 - A NEW TEST CARD from the satellite Insat 4B at 93.5°E-C band : 3 842 H DD GUW-N FEED India .... Roman Dávid. 07/26/2010 - 13:48
Hottest News 22.7.2010-PREMIÉRA/SAT DX LIST : družica NSS 6 na 95.0°E a príjem v blízkovýchodnom diagrame KU pásma pri elevačnom uhle 1° s detailnou analýzou kvality a spektra a s teoreticky ideálnym akostným stavom bBER=<10-6 na nosnej Asyl Arna na f=10 962 V.... Roman Dávid. 07/22/2010 - 12:53
Hottest News 22.7.2010 - PREMIERE / KU VIDEO LIST : NSS 6 at 95.0°E-Middle East footprint _ 10 962 V Asyl Arna / New videos of broadcasts Roman Dávid. 07/22/2010 - 12:45
Video Section NSS 6 at 95.0°E - Middle East footprint in KU band : 10 962 V Asyl Arna Roman Dávid. 07/22/2010 - 12:41
Sat List Update 22.7.2010-PREMIERE/SAT DX LIST : NSS 6 at 95.0°E & reception from the Middle East footprint in central Europe with the elevation angle of only 1° and detailed analysis of the spectrum and quality of packets that are broadcast of standard DVB-S2/8PSK-9/10 Roman Dávid. 07/22/2010 - 12:32
Second Hand Prodám Seavey ESR 124 HC ... Roman Dávid. 07/17/2010 - 19:01
Hottest News 16.7.2010 - PREMIÉRA/ČLENOVIA : Mr. Siddharth Gautam-New Delhi India / SAT DXer_ reportáž o aktivitách indického DXera z mesta Naí Dillí v C a v KU pásme ... Roman Dávid. 07/16/2010 - 12:52
Sat List Update 16.7.2010 - PREMIERE/MEMBERS : Mr. Siddharth Gautam-New Delhi India / SAT DXer_reports on the activities of this satellite enthusiast ... Roman Dávid. 07/16/2010 - 12:46
Members Mr. Siddharth Gautam , New Delhi - India Roman Dávid. 07/15/2010 - 13:30
Hottest News 12.7.2010 - PREMIÉRA / PORADŇA _ SAT DX v C pásme : Technická stránka príjmu v globálnom diagrame družice Measat 3 na 91.5°E v stredo-európskom meradle / Rakúsko ... Roman Dávid. 07/12/2010 - 12:29
Sat List Update 12.7.2010 - PREMIERE/CONSULTING _ SAT DX in C band : Techical aspect of reception from satellite Measat 3 at 91.5°E in central europe / Austria ... Roman Dávid. 07/12/2010 - 12:23
SatConsulting SAT DX in C band : Techical aspect of reception from satellite Measat 3 at 91.5°E in central europe Roman Dávid. 07/11/2010 - 09:51
Hottest News 9.7.2010-PREMIÉRA/PORADŇA-LNB Norsat 4206 CF a SMW WDL TYPE E_Druhá časť testu jednopolaritných/prírubových konvertorov v praxi SAT DX : LNB Norsat 4206 CF a merania signálnej kvality v porovnaní s konvertorom SMW WDL DIGITAL E na družici Insat 4B 93.5°E Roman Dávid. 07/09/2010 - 12:33
Sat List Update 9.7.2010-PREMIERE/CONSULTING > LNB Norsat 4206 CF contra SMW WDL TYPE E_Test results of the converters in practice SAT DX No.2: LNB Norsat 4206 CF & difference in signal quality compared to the converter SMW WDL TYPE E... Roman Dávid. 07/09/2010 - 12:23
SatConsulting LNB Norsat 4206 CF contra SMW WDL TYPE E_Test results of the converters in practice SAT DX No.2: LNB Norsat 4206 CF & difference in signal quality compared to the converter SMW WDL TYPE E Roman Dávid. 07/09/2010 - 12:16