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Second Hand Kúpim parabolu Kovosat 120 alebo 140 aj s natáčaním Roman Dávid. 07/06/2010 - 13:47
Hottest News 5.7.2010-PREMIÉRA / SAT PORADŇA: TEST konvertorov v satelitnej DX praxi : SMW WDL type E - Invacom QDF-031 , SMW X-Line - SMW WDL E , SMW PLL - SMW WDL E _ a platí tu vzťah medzi cenou konvertora a výslednou kvalitou príjmu ??? Roman Dávid. 07/05/2010 - 05:18
Sat List Update 5.7.2010-PREMIERE/CONSULTING:Test results/comparison of the converters in practice SAT DX : SMW WDL type E - Invacom QDF-031 , SMW X-Line - SMW WDL E , SMW PLL - SMW WDL E _ as related to the quality of the reception to the price of the converter ? Roman Dávid. 07/05/2010 - 05:09
SatConsulting Test results/comparison of the converters in practice SAT DX : SMW WDL type E - Invacom QDF-031 , SMW X-Line - SMW WDL E , SMW PLL - SMW WDL E _ as related to the quality of the reception to the price of the converter ? Roman Dávid. 07/04/2010 - 12:52
Hottest News 2.7.2010-SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao-Macao/Čína a výsledky meraní na taiwanskom pakete CHTI na f=12 701 H v diagrame K1 z družice ST 1 na 88.0°E v KU pásme s analyzátormi Rohde & Schwarz ETL+Promax Prolink 4C Premium + Tandberg TT1260 s PF Vertex 9.0m Roman Dávid. 07/02/2010 - 12:28
Sat List Update 2.7.2010-SAT DX Forum-A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-ST 1 at 88.0°E-K1 footprint South Asia: 12 701 H CHTI network Taiwan-analysis of the quality of the second packet in the horizontal polarization of the analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL+Promax Prolink 4C Premium Roman Dávid. 07/02/2010 - 12:22
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-ST 1 at 88.0°E-K1 footprint South Asia: 12 701 H CHTI network Taiwan-analysis of the quality of the second packet in the horizontal polarization of the analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL+Promax Prolink 4C Premium Roman Dávid. 07/01/2010 - 13:47
Hottest News 30.6.2010 - SAT PORADŇA : Skúsenosti s úpravou ohniskovej vzdialenosti na offsetovej anténe 74x64 cm s LNB Inverto Red extend Long Neck 0,3 dB v zmysle dosiahnutia vyššej kvality príjmu na paketoch SkyLink a CS Link Roman Dávid. 06/30/2010 - 12:24
SatConsulting Skúsenosti s úpravou ohniskovej vzdialenosti na offsetovej anténe 74x64 cm s LNB Inverto Red extend Long Neck 0,3 dB v zmysle dosiahnutia vyššej kvality príjmu na paketoch SkyLink a CS Link Roman Dávid. 06/30/2010 - 12:21
Hottest News 28.6.2010 - SAT DX Fórum - A.Simao-Macao/Čína a prvé merania v diagrame K1 z družice ST 1 na 88.0°E v KU pásme s PLL konvertorom Norsat 1509 HF s LOF stabilitou +/- 5 kHz + NF=0.9 dB a s cassegrain reflektorom Vertex RSI 9.0 m v južnej Ázii Roman Dávid. 06/28/2010 - 12:23
Sat List Update 28.6.2010-SAT DX Forum-A. Simao-Macau S.A.R_ST 1 at 88.0°E-K1 footprint South Asia:12 642 H Chungwa Telecom_first measurement in the KU band with Norsat PLL LNB 1509 HB-LOF stability+/- 5 kHz-NF=0.9 dB + Cassegrain reflector type Vertex RSI 9.0m Roman Dávid. 06/28/2010 - 12:17
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R_ST 1 at 88.0°E-K1 footprint South Asia:12 642 H Chungwa Telecom_first measurement in the KU band with Norsat PLL LNB 1509 HB-LOF stability+/- 5 kHz-NF=0.9 dB + Cassegrain reflector type Vertex RSI 9.0m ... Roman Dávid. 06/28/2010 - 12:10
Hottest News 24.6.2010 - PREMIÉRA/PORADŇA : Definujem technické aspekty príjmu indického satelitu Insat 4B na 93.5°E v meste Taipei na ostrove Taiwan vo východnej Ázii v KU pásme a témy > PF 370 cm , LNB Fuji SSI-T20 , LNB Invacom SNF-031 , pomer f/D ... Roman Dávid. 06/24/2010 - 12:03
Sat List Update 24.6.2010 - PREMIERE/CONSULTING : Technical solutions for the reception of satellite Insat 4B on the island of Taiwan in the KU band: PF 3.7m,Invacom SNF-031,Fuji SSI-T20,f/D ratio,feedhorn,radiant diagram ... Roman Dávid. 06/24/2010 - 11:54
Second Hand LNB SMW X-Line type C for sale _ Sprzedam LNB X-Line type C .... Roman Dávid. 06/23/2010 - 20:20
SatConsulting Technical solutions for the reception of satellite Insat 4B on the island of Taiwan in the KU band: PF 3.7m,Invacom SNF-031,Fuji SSI-T20,f/D ratio,feedhorn,radiant diagram ... Roman Dávid. 06/23/2010 - 20:06
Hottest News 21.6.2010-SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao-Macao/Čína-satelit Insat 4A na 83.0°E:4 134 H News24-E24-Shakti tv_výsledky meraní indického paketu v širokom zväzku satelitu Insat 4A v južnej ázii s reflektorom typu cassegrain s d=900 cm s analyzátorom Rohde & Schwarz ETL Roman Dávid. 06/21/2010 - 12:34
Sat List Update 21.6.2010-SAT DX Forum-A. Simao-Macau_Insat 4A at 83.0°E: 4 134 H News24-E24-Shakti tv_measurement results in a wide footprint of the satellite Insat 4A with the cassegrain reflector Vertex RSI 9.0m+spectral analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT1260 Roman Dávid. 06/21/2010 - 12:28
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R_Insat 4A at 83.0°E-C band : 4 134 H News24-E24-Shakti tv_measurement results in a wide footprint of the satellite Insat 4A with the cassegrain reflector Vertex RSI 9.0m+spectral analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg receiver TT1260 Roman Dávid. 06/21/2010 - 12:25
Hottest News 18.6.2010-SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao-Macao/Čína-satelit Insat 4B na 93.5°E:3 925 H Paket DD Doordarshan-dva body meraní vzdialené viac ako 10 000 km v jednom vyžarovacom diagrame C pásma s anténami d1=900 cm-Macao a d2=370 cm Lučenec a výsledky meraní ... Roman Dávid. 06/18/2010 - 11:57
Sat List Update 18.6.2010-SAT DX Forum-A. Simao-Macau S.A.R_Insat 4B at 93.5°E: 3 925 H Packet DD Doordarshan_comprehensive quality measurement and analysis with the measuring apparatus Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT1260 and comparison of results Macau/Slovakia Roman Dávid. 06/18/2010 - 11:40
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R_Insat 4B at 93.5°E-C band : 3 925 H Packet DD Doordarshan India_comprehensive quality measurement and analysis of the spectrum with the measuring apparatus Rohde & Schwarz ETL + Tandberg TT1260 and comparison of results Macau/Slovakia Roman Dávid. 06/18/2010 - 11:30
Hottest News 16.6.2010 - RUBRIKA PORADŇA č.4: Výber ožarovača _ feedhorn pre reflektorový pomer stredovej antény f/D=0,45 a určenie vhodného typu prírubového konvertora pre anténu Kovosat 120 Roman Dávid. 06/16/2010 - 13:27
SatConsulting Výber ožarovača/feedhorn pre reflektorový pomer stredovej antény f/D=0,45 a určenie vhodného typu prírubového konvertora pre anténu Kovosat 120 Roman Dávid. 06/16/2010 - 12:25
Hottest News 14.6.2010 - SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao/Macao Čína a družica Insat 4A na 83.0°E:3 725 H Paket NSTPL India-aktuálny stav spektra a kvality v zóne špičky toku EIRP vo východnej Ázii s analyzátorom Rohde & Schwarz ETL a porovnanie stavu akosti > Macao/Slovensko Roman Dávid. 06/14/2010 - 14:14