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Satellite Feed in KA band-Eutelsat 7A-W3A at 7.0 e-first feed transmission in KA band_Europe C footprint-beam-coverage - 21 601.9 MHz-H.pol _ TV ZIMBO LIVE Angola
Roman Dávid
10/12/2012 - 12:06
Ka Band Section
KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage-Eutelsat-7A-W3A at 7.0-east_ Europe C-KA band uplink and downlink coverage and Africa uplink and downlink coverage
Roman Dávid
10/12/2012 - 11:59
Hottest News
8.10.12-Objekt WGS-2 na λ=60°_prakticky okamžite potom čo R.Dávid uverejnil prvé výsledky svojej vedecko-výskumnej činnosti v KA pásme,PENTAGON ako správca objektu WGS-2 technickým opatrením zamedzil možnosť identifikácie aktívneho Modemu na f=20 925 MHz
Roman Dávid
10/08/2012 - 15:06
Hottest News
8.10.2012-Príjem a analýza spektra v KA pásme-SHF_Geosynchrónny objekt WGS-2 na λ=60° patriaci Ministerstvu obrany Spojených Štátov Amerických-PENTAGON a aktuálna analýza spektra vektora LHCP v rozsahu od 20 400 do 21 200 MHz vo video ukážke
Roman Dávid
10/08/2012 - 15:06
Sat List Update
8.10.2012-WGS-2-60-east_almost immediately after Mr. R.Dávid has published the first results of their scientific and research activities in KA band, the PENTAGON as an administrator has restricted the possibility of C-ID of the Modem at f=20 925 MHz
Roman Dávid
10/08/2012 - 15:05
Sat List Update
8.10.2012-KA band satellite WGS-2 at λ=60° and reception and spectrum analysis in KA band _ geosynchronous object belonging to the Ministry of Defense of the USA-PENTAGON and current analysis of the spectrum of the LHCP vector in the video preview
Roman Dávid
10/08/2012 - 15:05
Ka Band Section
KA band satellite reception video-WGS-2 at 60°e : spectrum analysis of the DVB-S Modem at f=20 925 MHz / IF=1675 MHz _ before and now
Roman Dávid
10/08/2012 - 14:53
Roman Dávid
10/08/2012 - 14:24
Hottest News
5.10.2012-Analýza spektra a monitoring vysielania družice Astra 3B na 23.5e v KA pásme : sumarizácia analýz spektier vlnení H+V v rozsahu od 21 400 do 21 800 MHz bez možnosti identifikácie nosných vo formátoch DVB-S+S2
Roman Dávid
10/05/2012 - 11:58
Hottest News
5.10.2012-Príjem objektu Astra 3B na 23.5e v KA pásme s PLL LNB Norsat 9000 HD-3F a kompletné analýzy spektier vektorov vlnení H+V v rozsahu od 21 400 do 21 800 MHz vo video ukážkach s digitálnym analyzátorom Televes H60 Advanced
Roman Dávid
10/05/2012 - 11:58
Sat List Update
5.10.2012-Spectrum analysis and monitoring of broadcast satellites Astra 3B at 23.5e in KA band : summarization of analysis of H and V spectra in the range of 21 400 to 21 800 MHz but without the possibility of identifying the carrier in formats DVB-S+S2
Roman Dávid
10/05/2012 - 11:57
Sat List Update
5.10.2012-KA band reception of Astra 3B 23.5 satellite with the PLL LNB Norsat 9000 HD-3F and a complete analysis of the horizontal and vertical frequency spectrum from 21 400 to 21 800 MHz in the video preview with a digital analyzer Televes H60 Advanced
Roman Dávid
10/05/2012 - 11:57
Hottest News
1.10.2012 - Astra 3B-BEACON-KA pásmo _Geosynchrónny objekt Astra 3B na 23,5e a lokalizácia jeho vysielania v KA pásme pomocou BEACON identifikačného kmitočtu majáka na f=20 199,5 MHz v horizontálnej časti spektra pásma super vysokých frekvencií SHF+BONUS
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 13:01
Hottest News
1.10.2012_ Astra 3B-BEACON-KA pásmo _ Identifikácia Beacon frekvencie objektu Astra 3B pre KA pásmo na f=20 199,5 MHz vo video ukážke z digitálneho analyzátora Televes H60 Advanced + BONUS .
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 13:01
Hottest News
1.10.2012_ Astra 3B-BEACON-KA pásmo _ Provajderom SES Astra zadefinovaný footprint-vyžarovací diagram pre KA pásmo satelitu Astra 3B na 23,5e
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 13:01
Sat List Update
1.10.2012_ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band_Geosynchronous object Astra 3B at 23.5e and localization of his broadcasts in KA band with the BEACON on the f=20 199.5 MHz in the horizontal parts of the SHF spectrum + SAT DX BONUS !
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 13:00
Sat List Update
1.10.2012_ ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band _ Identification of the BEACON frequency at 20 199.5 MHz - H-pol. on the Astra 3B at 23.5e in a video preview of the digital Analyzer Televes H60 Advanced + SAT DX BONUS !
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 13:00
Sat List Update
1.10.2012_ ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band _ Astra 3B at 23.5e and its footprint-beam for KA band
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 12:59
Ka Band Section
KA band satellite reception videos-Astra 3B at 23.50°E : ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band and Identification of the BEACON frequency at 20 199.5 MHz - V pol.+ analysis of the spectrum of vectors V + H
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 12:50
Ka Band Section
Astra 3B at 23.5°e-KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage_Astra 3B at 23.5°e -KA band downlink footprint-beam-coverage
Roman Dávid
10/01/2012 - 12:47
Roman Dávid
09/29/2012 - 14:00
Hottest News
28.9.2012 -Rubrika Monitoring Družíc v KA pásme a kompletná suma identifikovaných nosných v H a V vektore vlnenia satelitu A1H na 19.4e v kmitočtovom spektre od 18 200 do 18 800 MHz ako napr. Óčko TV,Penthouse 3D,Telesur TV,Andalucia TV,Telemadrid Sat ...
Roman Dávid
09/28/2012 - 13:44
Hottest News
28.9.2012-Príjem v KA pásme a Nový paket vo formáte DVB-S2-QPSK z orbity 19.4e provajdera Telefonica Spain : 18 420 MHz -H- a prvé analýzy spektra a kvality s rezevou zisku Link Margin od 4 do 5 dB na sekundárnom radiante s D=300 cm
Roman Dávid
09/28/2012 - 13:44
Sat List Update
28.9.2012-Section KA band satellite monitoring-Astra 1H at 19.4e : All load-carrier in the vertical and in the horizontal range of waves from 18 200 to 18 800 MHz such as Óčko TV , Penthouse 3D , Telesur TV , Andalucia TV , Telemadrid Sat , World Beaut...
Roman Dávid
09/28/2012 - 13:43
Sat List Update
28.9.2012-KA band satellite reception-A new packet in DVB-S2-QPSK standard : A1H at 19.4e - 18 420 MHz -Hpol- Telefonica Spain and the first results of measurements with a high LINK margin of 4 to 5 decibels
Roman Dávid
09/28/2012 - 13:43
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