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Sat List Update
HYLAS-1-33-5°W-CODING ACM-VCM ON THE DVB-S2 DATA line and practical application of variable changes to the modulation parameters in order to achieve optimalization of ratio BW-Bit/Hz on the KA band line in the spectrum RHCP at a frequency f=19 944.5 MHz
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 10:34
Hottest News
HYLAS-1-33-5°W-APLIKÁCIA KÓDOVANIA ACM-VCM v KA pásme na DVB-S2 DATA LINKE a praktická aplikácia variabilne modifikovaných modulačných parametrov za účelom dosiahnutia optimalizácie vzťahu BW-Bit/Hz analyzovaná v spektre RHCP v KA pásme na f=19 944.5 MHz
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 10:24
Sat List Update
HYLAS-1-33-5°west-APPLICATION OF ENCODING ACM-VCM in KA band DVB-S2 data link with BW=54 MHz and a practical demonstration of decoding using the DVB-S2 tuner TBS 5925 with constellation diagram expressing the variable modified modulating parameters
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 10:09
Hottest News
HYLAS 1-33-5°W a APLIKÁCIA KÓDOVANIA ACM-VCM v KA pásme na DVB-S2 DATA LINKE so šírkou pásma BW=54 MHz a praktická úkážka dekódovania pomocou DVB-S2 tunera TBS 5925 s konštalačným diagramom vyjadrujúcim variabilne modifikované modulačné parametre
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 09:50
Sat List Update
HYLAS 1 at 33.5°W as the new research object in KA band with the offer of broadband data lines of the Internet with almost pan-European coverage:AVANTI PLC provider defines the territory with a guaranteed quality for the secondary radiant with D=74 cm
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 09:18
Hottest News
HYLAS 1 NA ORBITE 33.5°W ako nový výskumný objekt KA pásma Think-Tanku s ponukou širokopásmových data liniek internetu s takmer celoeurópskym pokrytím:Provajder AVANTI PLC definuje územia garantovanej kvality pre sekundárne žiariče s D=74cm.
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 09:00
Ka Band Section
KA-band-satellite-Hylas-1-33-5-west: CODING ACM-VCM ON THE DVB-S2 line_practical application of variable changes to the modulation parameters in order to achieve optimalization of ratio BW-Bit/Hz on the KA band line in the format of DVB-S2
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 08:32
Ka Band Section
KA-band-Satellite-Hylas-1-at-33.5°-west-KA-band-coverage-footprint-beam : Hylas 1 at 33.5°W_KA band downlink coverage-footprint-beam
Roman Dávid
11/18/2012 - 07:52
Sat List Update
16-11-12-AUTHOR defines new quality peaks in KA band for carrier TPA Angola at f=21 501.5 and Zimbo TV at f=21 605.4 MHz from satellite Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e,with strong gain growth derived from the decrease in ChBER rate by almost half in order by FEC=2/3.
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 11:13
Sat List Update
16-11-12-AUTHOR ANALYZES the range and quality of the FEEDS carrier in KA band with non-encoded broadcast marked VCS Voyager 2 at f=21 493.5 MHz,from Eutelsat 7A satellites, which locked in the spectrum of vertical vector ...
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 11:09
Hottest News
16-11-12-AUTOR definuje nové kvalitatívne špičky pri príjme v KA pásme z objektu Eutelsat 7A na nosných TPA Angola na 21501 a ZIMBO TV na 21605 MHz s výrazným ziskovým rastom derivovaným od poklesu chybovosti BER na kanál takmer o 1/2 rádu pri FEC=2/3 .
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 10:56
Hottest News
16-11-12-AUTOR v priamom prenose analyzuje spektrum a kvalitu nosnej KA pásma s ne-kódovaným FEEDS vysielaním pod ID VCS Voyager 2 na f=21 493,5 MHz z družice Eutelsat 7A,ktorú uzamkol v rozsahu vertikálneho vektora vlnenia
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 10:38
Ka Band Section
KA-band-satellite-feeds-reception-video-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 493.5 MHz-V.pol-feed Vcs Voyager 2-MPEG-2-720x576i-Video-TS=6.6 Mbps-25Hz-16:9,Audio-256 kbps-48kHz_analysis of spectrum and the quality of reception in KA band
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 10:37
Sat List Update
16-11-12-FIRST NON-CODED FEEDS carrier identified as VCS Voyager 2 in the frequency range of the KA band SHF-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e, which the author identifies at f=21 493.5 MHz as a direct transmission from unspecified areas of Southern Africa
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 10:24
Hottest News
16-11-12-PRVÁ NEKÓDOVANÁ FEEDS nosná s id VCS Voyager 2 vo frekvenčnom rozsahu KA pásma zo spektra SHF satelitu Eutelsat 7A na 7.0e,ktorú autor identifikoval na f=21 493,5 MHz ako priamy prenos z nešpecifikovanej oblasti južnej Afriky
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 10:14
Ka Band Section
KA-Band-satellite-feeds-reception-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint : 21 493.5 MHz-V.pol. Vcs Voyager 2-Live feed-MPEG-2-720x576i-Video-TS=6.6 Mbps-25Hz-16:9,Audio-256 kbps-48kHz
Roman Dávid
11/16/2012 - 09:06
Sat List Update
12-11-12-AUTHOR ANALYZES the carrier transmission spectrum KA band at f=21 605.4 MHz with regular broadcast TV Zimbo,with b-correction Viterbi quality greater than or equal to 1 faulty bit per 1000 received or expressed by the operator CBER<=1E*10-3
Roman Dávid
11/12/2012 - 08:45
Sat List Update
12-11-12-AUTHOR IDENTIFIED RELATIVELY (fec=7/8) HIGHEST QUALITY on a regular tv broadcast TV Zimbo carrier at f=21 605.4 MHz,in the spectrum of KA band from satellite Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e,derived from secondary radiant with D=300 cm at the center Lučenec
Roman Dávid
11/12/2012 - 08:45
Hottest News
12-11-12-AUTOR Roman Dávid v PREMIERE ANALYZUJE nosnú v spektre KA pásma na f=21 605.4 MHz s regulárnym vysielaním Zimbo TV,s pred-korekčnou Viterbi kvalitou vyššou alebo rovnou 1. chybnému bitu z 1000 prijatých alebo vyjadrené operátorom CBER<=1E*10-3
Roman Dávid
11/12/2012 - 08:45
Hottest News
12-11-12---DOTERAZ RELATÍVNE(fec=7/8) NAJVYŠŠIA autorom identifikovaná kvalita regulárneho vysielania nosnej Zimbo TV Angola na f=21 605.4 MHz v spektre KA pásma z objektu Eutelsat 7A na 7.0e derivovaná od sekundárneho radianta s D=300 cm v mieste Lučenec
Roman Dávid
11/12/2012 - 08:44
Ka Band Section
KA-Band-satellite-reception-analysis-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 605.4 MHz-V.pol. Zimbo TV Angola - analysis of the quality of the carrier in the spectrum of the vertical vector / TS=3.5 Mbps , 4:3 ...
Roman Dávid
11/11/2012 - 10:01
Sat List Update
9-11-12 at 18:30 CET---ANALYSIS OF DATA CARRIER,with the currently lowest parameter of Symbol Rate SR=999 ksym/sec,which the author has locked in a range of -V- vector at the highest currently applied f=21 641.7 MHz,in the spectrum of Eutelsat 7A-KA band
Roman Dávid
11/09/2012 - 10:26
Hottest News
9-11-12 o 18:30 CET---ANALÝZA NOSNEJ DATA TOKU, s doteraz najnižším v spektre KA pásma satelitu Eutelsat 7A aplikovaným parametrom symbolovej rýchlosti SR=999 ksym/sec,ktorú autor uzamkol v spektre -V- vektora na najvyššej aplikovanej f=21 641,7 MHz
Roman Dávid
11/09/2012 - 10:26
Sat List Update
9-11-12-TODAY'S UPDATE AT 18:30 CET-CURRENTLY HIGHEST applied frequency f=21 641.7 MHz in the frequency spectrum of KA band satellite Eutelsat 7A at 7E with active QPSK Data stream with a bandwidth of only BW=1.35 MHz and lock the carrier in a live video
Roman Dávid
11/09/2012 - 10:26
Hottest News
9-11-12-AKTUALIZÁCIA DNES o 18:30-V SÚČASTNOSTI NAJVYŠŠIA V SPEKTRE KA pásma satelitu Eutelsat 7A aplikovaná frekvencia f=21 641,7 MHz s aktívnym QPSK tokom dát so šírkou pásma len BW=1,35 MHz,ktorého uzamknutie prezentuje autor Roman Dávid !
Roman Dávid
11/09/2012 - 10:26
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