Hottest News

26.2.2025_ASTRA 2E-28,5°E_UK Spot Beam_11 426-H_TalkSport:High gain increases of more than 2 dB in replicating the signal model into the antenna system using my Synchronous Nano-Corrections technology during the reception in the south of central Slovakia



22.1.2025_AMOS 7_11069-H_SBN/Word :Proven reception stability at 99.40594% within a verification period of t=100 hours, with peak SNR of 8.3 dB,on a wave with one of the highest channel bit error rates (ChBER) under Central European sat. recep. conditions



18-12-2024-Amos 3_10 926_YES/Knesset Ch.: Test of my technological invention, named "Synchronous Nanocorrections," under zero or near-zero signal margin levels has demonstrated 100% reception stability over a verification period of t=80 hours


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