Latest update from satellite list
12.3.2025_NEWS FLASH_First quality analysis along with a demonstration of NDS VideoGuard system decoding on a highly noisy wave with low intensity from the provider YES, broadcast in DVB-S2/8PSK standard at f=10 806 MHz_V from Amos 3 at 4,0°W-Middle East
odkaz na novinku :
►Last update date: 12.3.2025 : Amos 3 at 4,0°W_Mddle East beam_f=10 806 MHz_V_DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3_SR=30 000 ksym/s _ YES Israel
5.3.2025_The hottest news from the Middle East diagram of the Amos 3 : Today, precisely at 09:00 CET,the announced change in the SR parameter occurred on the satellite distribution of METV in the Middle East beam from the Amos 3 satellite at 4.0°W+++
Last update date: 5.3.2025
►5.3.2025: Amos 3 at 4,0°W_Mddle East beam_f=11 212 MHz_V_METV only :
►SK_Dnes presne o 9:00 stredoeurópskeho času došlo ku avizovanej zmene parametru SR na satelitnej distribúcii cyperskej METV
v stope Middle East z družice Amos 3 na 4,0°W z pôvodnej hodnoty 3333 na aktuálnu 2963 ksym/s
v stope Middle East z družice Amos 3 na 4,0°W z pôvodnej hodnoty 3333 na aktuálnu 2963 ksym/s
►EN_Today, precisely at 09:00 Central European Time, the announced change in the SR parameter occurred on the satellite distribution
of METV in the Middle East beam from the Amos 3 satellite at 4.0°W, changing from the original value of 3333 to the current 2963 ksym/s.
of METV in the Middle East beam from the Amos 3 satellite at 4.0°W, changing from the original value of 3333 to the current 2963 ksym/s.
►DE_Heute genau um 09:00 Mitteleuropäischer Zeit erfolgte die angekündigte Änderung des SR-Parameters in der Satellitenverbreitung