Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2/Multistream technology-reception : The proving is visualized in continuous signal monitoring over a duration of 8x24 hours
Centre for satellite reception of Multistream technology in DVB-S2 standard
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine
Center of DVB-S2/S2X Multistream technology
Eutelsat 5 West B-5.0°W-Transalpine : 11 013 MHz > 12 732 MHz
Proving using continuous signal monitoring: PF Prodelin 450 cm
Note : In this scientific and research center, the functionality of a technological process and invention called Synchronous Nanocorrections,
authored by Roman Dávid from Lučenec, is systematically proven, and it is also the only place where you can encounter the benefits of this technology.
Upozornenie : V tomto vedecko-výskumnom centre sa systematicky dokazuje funkcia technologického postupu a vynálezu s názvom
"Synchrónne nanokorekcie", od jej autora Romana Dávida z Lučenca a je to zároveň jediné miesto kde sa s výhodami tejto technológie môžete stretnúť
( Last update date: 29.11.2023 )
►29.11.2023 : Based on the example of proving through signal monitoring of Rai and Canal+ packets broadcast in the DVB-S2/Multistream
technological standard from the Eutelsat 5 West B satellite at 5.0°W, today I can demonstrate to you that I have effectively and, above all,
stably transformed the relatively high intensity of the emitted EIRP power into the resulting quality which I quantify by the signal-to-noise ratio
SNR=20>21+ dB_with the used configuration of modulation parameters of the signal path DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3.Today, I will demonstrate
the effectiveness with which I have managed to minimize the mutual spectral penetration or interference of the waves from the V to the H
quadrant and vice versa and how it relates to the resulting reception quality. I will perform a spectrum analysis with a frequency span
of only 200 kHz, visualizing the presence of two frequencies with TT&C signals etc.
z objektu Eutelsat 5 West B na 5,0°W,Vám dnes dokážem že som účinne a hlavne stabilne transformoval relatívne vysokú intenzitu vyžiareného
výkonu EIRP na výslednú kvalitu ,ktorú kvantifikujem pomerom signálu k šumu SNR=20>21+ dB-pri aplikovanej konfigurácii modulačných
parametrov signálnej trasy DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3. Dnes budem ďalej demonštrovať s akou účinnosťou sa mi podarilo minimalizovať vzájomné
spektrálne prieniky vlnení z kvandrantu V do H a naopak a ako to súvisí s výslednou kvalitou príjmu,vykonám analýzu spektra pri rozpätí
SPAN=200 kHz,ktorá vizualizuje prítomnosť dvoch frekvencií TT&C.
►►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-Multistream : Proving in the monitoring unit t=24 hours
DOKAZOVANIE v celkovej kvantite monitoringu t=8x24+ hodín
Proving in total monitoring quantity t=8x24 hours
►Deň záznamu monitoringov : od 13.11.2023 do 21.11.2023
►Signálny reťazec je tvorený :
PF Prodelin 450 cm > Primárny žiarič > Autorom navrnuté systémové riešenie > LNB SMW_Q-PLL Type O s LOF stabilitou +/- 10 kHz
Eutelsat 5 West B na 5,1°W : Vyžarovací diagram "TransAlpine"
zemepisný bod výskumov a meraní : 48°33 N _ 19° 67 W : Lučenec-Slovenská republika
vyžarovacie diagramy pochádzajú zo zdroja :
► The author Roman Dávid presents arguments for the application of the "Method of proving through Signal Monitoring" in the field of satellite
reception. He is unquestionably the first in the world who started proving all the results of his scientific and research activities.
He has built a center that,as the very first,started publishing verified or validated, and therefore credible results of satellite
reception and research on a global scale.If you claim otherwise,please send me a link to the source that came up with this methodical
procedure of proving before me.
►Autor Roman Dávid uvádza argumenty pre aplikovanie "Metódy dokazovania pomocou signálneho monitoringu" do praxe satelitného príjmu
a to z dôvodu že je tým nepochybne prvým na svete,ktorý začal všetky svoje výsledky vedecko-výskumnej činnosti dokazovať a vybudoval
tým centrum,ktoré začalo vôbec ako prvé publikovať verifikované/overené a tým pádom hodnoverné výsledky satelitného príjmu
v globálnom meradle_ak tvrdíte opak,prosím pošlite mi odkaz na zdroj,ktorý s týmto metodickým postupom dokazovania prišiel predo mňou.
holú realitu o dosiahnutej kvalite a to aj za cenu že traektóriu elektromagnetického vlnenia skríži na typicky desiatky milisekúnd napríklad
lietadlo,operenec alebo hmyz,pretože v kontinuálnom signálnom monitoringu to nie je možné skryť.
►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-Multistream : weather conditions during monitoring / poveternostné podmienky
pri Lučenci v rozpätí dní od 13 do 21.11.2023,týmto dokazujú že presne v piatich z celkovo ôsmich monitorovaných úsekoch v minimálnej
jednotke meraní t=24 hodín bol výkon monitoringu sprevádzaný dažďovými prehánkami s rôznou výškou úhrnu. (zdroj výsledkov meraní je
poznámka : dňa 21.11.2023 prevládalo jasné a bezoblačné počasie bez zrážok
►Results of wind speed and precipitation measurements for the location of the automatic meteorological station in the village of Boľkovce near
Lučenec,spanning from November 13 to November 21, 2023, demonstrate that precisely in five out of the eight monitored intervals,
monitoring activity was accompanied by rain showers with varying precipitation amounts. (source :
13>14>15>16.11.2023 17>18>19>20.11.2023
►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 11 013 V_TP B4_Rai Mux

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 11 016 H_TP B3_Rai Mux

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 11 179 V_TP B12_Rai Mux

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 11 637 V_TP D10_Rai Mux

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 12 585 H_TP F3_Cairo Comm.

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 12 627 H_TP F5_Rai Mux

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 12 648 V_TP F8_Canal+

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage

►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2-Multistream : 12 732 V_TP F12_French Mux

MER_peak quality in t=10 minutes SNR_peak quality in t=10 minutes Octagon SF 4008_online video footage
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-Multistream-satellite reception : Frequency chart
--- STANDARD --- | --- SR --- | --- FEC --- | --- FOOTPRINT--- | Minimum C/N ratio values by ETSI
►11 013 MHz -V- tp B4_Transalpine |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=1 |
35 300 | 2/3 | Transalpine | 6,6 dB |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=3 |
| ||||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=5 |
| |||
►11 016 MHz -H- tp B3_Transalpine |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=1 |
35 300 | 2/3 | Transalpine | |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=4 |
| |||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=9 |
| |||
►11 179 MHz -V- tp B12_Transalpine |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=4 |
35 300 | 2/3 | Transalpine | 6,6 dB |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=5 |
| |||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=6 |
| |||
►11 637 MHz -V- tp D10_Transalpine |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=1 |
35 300 | 2/3 | Transalpine | 6,6 dB |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=7 |
| |||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=8 |
| |||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=10 |
| ||||
►12 585 MHz -H- tp F3_Transalpine |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 262140 Multistream ID=1 |
35 500 | 2/3 | Transalpine | 6,6 dB |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 262140 Multistream ID=11 |
| ||||
►12 627 MHz -H- tp F5_Transalpine |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=1 |
35 300 | 2/3 | Transalpine | 6,6 dB |
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=2 |
| ||||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=3 |
| |||
RAI Mux |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 131070 Multistream ID=5 |
| |||
►12 648 MHz -V- tp F8_Transalpine |
French Mux | DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 121212 Multistream ID=1 |
29 500 | 8/9 | Transalpine | 10,7 dB |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 121212 Multistream ID=2 |
| ||||
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 121212 Multistream ID=3 |
| ||||
►12 732 MHz -V- tp F12_Transalpine |
French Mux | DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 50416 Multistream ID=1 |
29 500 | 8/9 | Transalpine | 10,7 dB |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 50416 Multistream ID=4 |
DVB-S2/8PSK PLS GOLD : 50416 Multistream ID=6 |
►►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Multistream-copyright : Research project

that come exclusively from scientific research conducted by Roman Dávid - the author and the owner of All the information found on are protected by copyright as a part of intangible property and are protected by EU law and Slovak national legislation. Usage, copying
and distribution of any information or its parts without author's permission is strictly prohibited.

činnosti autora Roman Dávida z oblasti vlnovej fyziky a VF techniky a spadajú do jeho duševného vlastníctva,ktoré je chránené zákonmi
Európskej únie a Slovenskej republiky .Ich celkové alebo čiastočné kopírovanie, imitovanie alebo distribúcia bez súhlasu autora je výslovne zakázaná
z dôvodu výhradného vlastníctva autorom .