Ka Band Satellite footprint
T4A-Turksat-4A-42-e-KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage:KA Europe,Middle East and Africa footprint-coverage-beam
►T4A-Turksat-4A-42°e-footprint : KA Europe,Middle East and Africa footprint-coverage-beam,geographical location of the measurement
Yahsat 1B-Y1B-47.5-e-KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage:Yahsat 1B-Y1B-KA band coverage
►Yahsat 1B-Y1B - 47.5°E : KA band coverage , geographical location of the measurement by Google
Yahsat 1A-Y1A-52.5-e-KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage:Yahsat 1A-Global & Regional coverage for KA band
►Yahsat 1A-Y1A-52.5°E : KA band coverage-footprint-beam , geographical location of the measurement by Google
Amos 4-65-e-KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage: KA Europe , Middle East , Russia , South Africa , India footprint-coverage-beam
Inmarsat-5-f1-i5-ior-63-e-KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage: 5 F1 Global Service beams by Inmarsat
►Inmarsat 5 F1 - 62.6°E : 5 F1 Global Service beams by Inmarsat