ABS-S Advanced Broadcasting System-Satellite / ABS-S reception quality
Satellite ChinaSat 9 at 92.2°E : quality of reception expressed as a percentage of the ABS-S receiver
--- reception status of 23.10.2010 ---
- adverse weather conditions as the main factor that has direct relationship on the quality of the resulting reception
(at the size of the elevation angle of only 2.8°) significantly influenced the results of measurements,so I can not
objectively compare the quality of reception in April this year during clear weather with current grades.I have identified
significant changes in the level of signal flow EIRP, which is permanently changed in a wide range of amplitudes of
quality, which can be expressed in relative terms as follows:because of that I have no measuring device that can
analyze the quality of reception in the format of ABS-S,current status of the signal reception point I derived from the
relative quality indicator in Satellite Receiver.During the previous measurement amplitude reached quality levels
around 28 % and significantly less fluctuated.At present, the quality reaches peak levels up to 50-60 % but the length
of a stable carrier lock format ABS-S is significantly reduced compared with the months of April this year and takes only
seconds to tens (the last measurement I also identified sections in length from 15 to 20 minutes with a stable lock
carrier but at half the quality).Significant impact on the possibility of locking the carrier also has an enhanced version
of the third generation of dxsatcs waveguide line which I have proposed.
--- qualitative peak in relative terms within a timeframe of about 30 minutes ---
87 / 40 % Carrier lock without expressing quality
--- quality measurement date 24.4.2010 ---
- The following video sequences capture the quality of the ABS-carrier, which is expressed relatively.It is interesting that
although the quality has fallen from a level of 18-27 percent to absolute zero, there are no interruptions in the picture.
With high probability, I declare that I have achieved real growth in gain of about two decibels.Of course, this level of gain
was not present during the entire measurement.
- ABS-S carrier : 11 840 MHz - - ABS-S carrier : 11 880 MHz -
- ABS-S carrier : 11 920 MHz - - ABS-S carrier : 11 960 MHz -
--- Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E_dxsatcs.com : LIVE quality analysis ---
--- quality measurement date 28.11.2009 ---
- ABS-S carrier 11 960 MHz - - ABS-S carrier 11 920 MHz -
- ABS-S carrier 11 880 MHz - - ABS-S scanning in progress -
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Roman Dávid - author & founder
mail : roman.david@dxsatcs.com