12.3.2025_NEWS FLASH_First quality analysis along with a demonstration of NDS VideoGuard system decoding on a highly noisy wave with low intensity from the provider YES, broadcast in DVB-S2/8PSK standard at f=10 806 MHz_V from Amos 3 at 4,0°W-Middle East

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Scientific and Research Center focused on Wave Physics and Satellite Reception by the author Roman Dávid from Lučenec
Wissenschafts und Forschungszentrum für Wellenphysik und Satellitenempfang des Autors Roman Dávid aus Lučenec
Centro científico e investigador centrado en la física de ondas y la recepción satelital del autor Roman Dávid de Lučenec
Centre scientifique et de recherche axé sur la physique des ondes et la réception par satellite par l'auteur Roman Dávid de Lučenec           
Vedecko-výskumné centrum zamerané na vlnovú fyziku a satelitný príjem autora a vynálezcu Romana Dávida z Lučenca

                        -a-                                             -b-                                                 -c-
   dxsatcs-roman-dávid-correctly-established-methodical-procedure-of-measurements-eng-n   dxsatcs-roman-dávid-correctly-established-methodical-procedure-of-measurements-de-n    dxsatcs-roman-dávid-correctly-established-methodical-procedure-of-measurements-sk-n             
a,Only the correctly established methodical procedure of measurements based on visualized proving in signal monitoring generates undeniable results
b,Nur das korrekt festgelegte methodische Verfahren von Messungen,basierend auf visualisiertem Beweisen,erzeugt unbestreitbare Ergebnisse
c,Jedine správne stanovený metodický postup meraní postavený na vizualizovanom dokazovaní v monitoringu generuje nespochybnitelné výsledky                                                                                                                                



   Astra 2E/2F/2G at 28.5°E-UK Spot Beam Reception : Freesat,Sky UK (BSkyB)...
   Research on Satellite Reception Capability in Central Europe Verified by Signal Monitoring Since 2004
   "Synchronous Nanocorrections": A Technological Invention by Roman Dávid in the Practice of Satellite Reception

   Amos 3/7 at 4.0°W-Middle East footprint : yes,METV-Middle East Tv/ISN,SBN/The Word ...
   Research on Satellite Reception Capability in Central Europe Verified by Signal Monitoring Since 2005
   "Synchronous Nanocorrections": A Technological Invention by Roman Dávid in the Practice of Satellite Reception


    Badr 5/7/8 & Es'hail 2 at 26.0°E
     Research Related to Satellite Reception Capability in Central Europe Verified by Signal Monitoring
     "Synchronous Nanocorrections": A Technological Invention by Roman Dávid in the Practice of Satellite Reception

  Badr-baner-630x151- OK-by-dxsatcs.com-enter    

   Center focused on the lowest Symbol Rates (SR) in satellite reception practice
    IS 901 at 27.5°W,Hispasat 30W-6 at 30.0°W,EUT 8 West B,16A ,21B
    Alcomsat 1 at 24.8°W : TDA Algeria
     Research related to the feasibility of reception in Central Europe verified by signal monitoring


   Canal+ Afrique on SES 4 at 22.0°W-West Africa
    Research related to the feasibility of reception in Central Europe verified by signal monitoring


   Center for Multistream (MIS Multi Input Stream) Satellite Reception Technology
    Eutelsat 9B at 9.0°E , Eutelsat 21B at 21.5° E , Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W


    EthioSat Ethiopia on NSS 12 at 57.0°E-East Africa
     Research related to the feasibility of reception in Central Europe verified by signal monitoring



The scientific and research activities of the author Roman Dávid are conducted in three frequency bands
X-band-satellite-reception-research       KU-band-satellite-reception-research       KA-band-satellite-reception-research                                                                                                                                                     

           since 2015                                           since 1991                                             since 05/2012

                                                                 MAIN PAGE >>>

   V Lučenci dňa 12.3.2025  _ dxsatcs-new-box-blog-roman-david-2021-bloguje-provokuje-n